Create Shipment Hello. Where are you shipping from? Country or Territory Full Name or Company Name Address Email Phone Number Next Where is your shipment going? Country or Territory Full Name or Company Name Address Email Phone Number BackNext What kind of packaging are you using? Length Weight Height BackNext How would you like to ship? Do you need to schedule a pickup? —Please choose an option—I'll drop off my shipmentSchedule a new pickup. Estimated Ship Date (optional) BackNext Almost done. Let's check a few more details. What best describes this shipment? —Please choose an option—This is a giftI am selling these itemsI am sending products samplesI am sending these items to be repairedI am returning these itemsThese are documents of no commercial valuesNone of these reasons apply What are you shipping? BackNext How would you like to pay? —Please choose an option—Cash PaymentBank TransferCheck BackΔ